Men’s Health Issues

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Men’s Health Issues

Did you know that low testosterone levels is a worldwide problem in men resulting in Erectile Dysfunction, significant loss of sex drive, low sexual sensitivity, lack of energy and unwanted belly fat?  Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is an extremely common condition affecting most middle age men beginning on average around the mid 30’s to mid 40’s after the onset of Andropause.


Most common chief complaints of Andropause include:

  • When my wife/partner plays with my external genitalia (penis) it is not  as sensitive as it use to be.   
  • When I am having sex it feels like I’m having sex with a glove on.
  • When I was younger and had an orgasm it used to go all over the place, now it feels like it barely makes it out.
  • When I used to think about having sex, my testicles would go “zing”, now there is nothing.
  • I’m becoming a “couch potato”, I don’t like to go out like I used to.
  • My outlook on life now is “the glass is half empty rather than half full”.
  • I’m always tired and my energy level is always low.
  • I have this tire around my waist and it doesn’t go away no matter how much I diet or how much I exercise.
  • My interest and desire for sex has decreased significantly over the years.
  • I have less motivation and don’t sleep as well as I used to.
Today, these ten complaints can be easily corrected.
Andropause is the male equivalent of female menopause commonly referred to as the male  “mid-life crisis”.  As part of the normal aging process, this is the time when men begin to experience a significant natural decrease in the overall production and physiologic levels of sex hormones known as Androgens, particularly in the levels of Testosterone.  This specific hormone, plays a major role in the maintenance of normal sexual function throughout our younger years.  In addition to this completely normal age-related natural hormonal decline, there are several other factors including nutrition which significantly affect the onset and the degree of ED.
You may ask, what is the reason for all of this?
With regards to nutrition, did you know that meat, chicken and dairy products have been pumped with steroids for decades?  This has been one of the major contributors of this “premature” hormonal decline resulting in the early onset of male menopause.  Back in the 1960’s the food manufacturers of the world became business people.
      •  They found out that if they gave a 1,000 lb steer steroids it could potentially become a 2,500 lb steer and make twice the money.
      •  They also discovered that if they gave chickens steroids prior to slaughtering them for food in 6-9 months they could slaughter them much.sooner and make twice the money (chickens have the most steroids).
      •  They discovered that when they gave a cow steroids it produced twice the milk, doubling their profit.
      • As an unforeseen problem of capitalism, this has resulted in serious delayed consequences of the next generation of people (YOU) having low testosterone levels.
What happened to the next generation?
Infants drinking milk, children growing up eating chicken and steak, consuming McDonald’s and other fast foods with trace amounts of steroids in it have had significant repercussions in our health throughout time. We are just learning how GMO foods can also affect our testosterone levels.  By the time young males reach their early 30’s and eating and drinking foods with trace amounts of steroids in them, the pituitary gland “burns out”. This results in the significant impaired production of many important hormones including Testosterone resulting in the symptoms described above. Unfortunately, this is a worldwide problem that the media is not informing us about.
As a consequence, hormonal insufficiency (or deficiency) ultimately results in an array of other long term medical conditions including but not limited to:  Osteoporosis, High Blood Pressure, Heart Attack, Stroke, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
So now what?
Most men are not aware that these problems can be corrected in a matter of weeks with Bio-identical Hormones.


Our Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) program,  involves the use of supplemental doses of naturally available hormones to make up for the decline of hormones which are no longer produced as we get older. Bio-identical hormones have the exact molecular/chemical structure as naturally occurring hormones produced in the human body.  This identical structure makes it easy for our body to recognize and properly metabolize them in order to produce the same beneficial physiologic effects of our own natural hormones.


Reach out and call the New York Institute of Hormone Replacement today. Our Doctors specialize in hormone customization and with an easy blood test, will determine the best hormonal treatment regimen for you. The prescribed treatments consist of natural hormones customized to your own needs by reputable compounding pharmacies with choices ranging from creams, pills, tablets and in some instances, injectables.  They are safe, effective and easy to use in the comfort of your own home.
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