
New York Institute of Hormone Replacement

We welcome you to the New York Institute of Hormone Replacement. At the Institute, our primary objectives are to: (1) promote awareness and knowledge through active patient education and to; (2) provide a highly comprehensive, safe and effective therapeutic approach in the management of many of the symptoms and conditions associated with any type of hormonal decline/imbalance commonly seen during male and female menopause.
Hormones are important chemical molecules naturally produced by the body which are necessary for all normal physiologic functions to occur. They normally control and regulate all metabolic activities of healthy living human cells. Aging is associated with a change in hormonal balance due to a gradual but significant decrease in the natural hormone production. As we age, we lose our natural ability to produce these hormones which result in the typical decline seen in the overall integrity of tissues, normal organ functioning and the subsequent development of disease. Additionally as a consequence of it, a hormonal insufficiency or deficiency could ultimately result in an array of medical conditions as illustrated below (Table 1) and many other unwanted associated signs and symptoms which can significantly affect our daily quality of life (Table 2).
Over the last 50 years, an impressive amount of evidence has emerged revealing the vital connection between declining hormonal levels and the occurrence of diseases and conditions normally associated with the normal process of aging. Some of these major diseases include heart disease/heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia and osteoporosis. A recent revolutionary medical and scientific movement has sparked our curiosity and has raised our awareness about the way we view medical illness, prevention and the aging process. This also include changes in the way we deal with the serious and often crippling symptoms associated with some female conditions such as Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, Post-Partum Depression and both male & female Menopause.
Menopause is defined as a cessation in the overall production of female hormones which typically occurs on average during the mid-forties to mid-fifties. Andropause also known as ADAM (Androgen Deficiency in Aging Men) Syndrome is the male equivalent of menopause and is also characterized by a decrease in the overall production of male hormones. It usually affects men at the average age of mid-thirties to mid-forties. Although considered to be a normal part of the aging process, these conditions are very often associated with a significant number of symptoms which can dramatically affect our daily lives. Listed below are just a few of the many unwanted signs and symptoms associated with both male and female menopause (Table 2).
We now understand that is no longer necessary to passively accept that our appearance, function and health must deteriorate with the passage of time. For decades now, studies have repeatedly shown that correctly restoring our gradually declining hormonal levels to their youthful ranges using naturally available compounds known as Bio-identical (“biologically identical”) Hormones has proven to dramatically improve health, increase ability to fight disease, and most important improve quality of life. Current conventional therapies only offer limited relief, are often associated with many serious and unwanted side effects and have repeatedly failed to effectively treat many of the conditions mentioned and their associated symptoms.
Our Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) program involves the use of supplemental doses of naturally available hormones to make up for the decline or lack of natural hormones produced in a person's body. Bio-identical Hormones are compounds found in nature that have exactly the same indistinguishable molecular/chemical structure of many of the hormones normally found in the human body. Because they are identical to our own hormones, our bodies can recognize and metabolize them easily producing the same physiologic benefits as the naturally endogenous hormones. This significantly minimizes many of the potential health risks and unwanted side effects often seen with their pharmaceutical grade synthetically designed counterparts. Most of these organic molecules are found in nature in many variety of plant roots primarily the wild yams and soy bean roots. They are usually made from the components found in these plants through compounding (custom-made) pharmacies containing different dosages of the specific hormones as needed. Knowing which hormones to replenish, how much and how to properly adjust the levels to “optimal ranges” in order to achieve synergistic and beneficial effects is the most fundamental philosophy in the art of Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Fortunately for us, all these hormones are abundantly produced by “mother nature” and are available for both men and women.
This innovative approach represents the most ideal treatment modality available today for symptomatic control of any condition associated with any type of hormonal imbalance. Due to their additional amazing health-protective benefits, restoring the levels of the declining hormones back to optimal youthful ranges has proved to be beneficial not only to our health but for illness prevention and overall improvement in our quality of life. It does make a lot of common “clinical” sense that as we lose critical amounts of these important factors, optimal hormonal supplementation is the right way to go. Now that we have all this information, how do we go about restoring our level of hormones back to their optimal and therapeutic ranges? How do we achieve proper hormonal balance? The answers to these questions are very simple. This is why we have created the New York Institute of Hormone Replacement. At the Institute, our primary objectives are to (1) promote awareness and knowledge through active patient education and (2) through our BHRT program provide a highly comprehensive, safe and effective therapeutic approach in the management of many of the symptoms and conditions associated with any type of hormonal imbalance.
Through this wonderful and unique program, we hope to make a considerable contribution in everyone of our patients by offering a truly exceptional and enjoyable experience with a primary focus on the therapeutic relief of symptoms of both male and female menopause while significantly influencing and maximizing their health, wellness and disease prevention potential.

  • Table 1: Conditions Associated with Hormonal Insufficiency / Deficiency in both Men & Women

    • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) / Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
    • Perimenopause
    • Menopause

    • Endometriosis

    • Uterine Fibroids

    • Ovarian Cysts

    • Post-Partum Depression
    • Andropause / Male Menopause / ADAM Syndrome*

    *ADAM = Androgen Deficiency in Aging Men

    • Osteoporosis and spontaneous bone fractures
    • Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X)
    • High blood pressure
    • Elevated cholesterol levels
    • Heart attacks (MI’s), Strokes (CVA’s)
    • Erectile dysfunction (ED) / Impotence

    • Orgasmic dysfunction
    • Mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Dementia

    • Mood disorders (Anxiety, Depression etc.)
    • Sleep disorders

  • Table 2: Sign & Symptoms of Hormonal Insufficiency / Deficiency in both Men & Women

    • Fatigue, lethargy, decreased energy levels
    • Decreased physical endurance & physical performance
    • Decreased motivation & drive
    • Reduced exercise tolerance & work-out efficacy
    • Reduced work performance
    • Insomnia
    • Generalized decrease memory, concentration problems
    • Mood swings e.g. depression, anxiety, short temper, increased irritability
    • Weight gain, unwanted fat deposition
    • Decreased lean muscle mass, muscle tone & muscle strength
    • Hot flashes, night sweats
    • Hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails
    • Decreased sex drive (libido), sexual desire & sexual performance
    • Decreased sensitivity to sexual stimulation & arousal
    • Lack of sexual fantasies, sexual thoughts & sexual dreams
    • Decreased overall life enjoyment, sense of wellness & quality of life
    • Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / Impotence
    • Orgasmic dysfunction
    • Thinning pubic hair

WHEN IS The New York Institute of Hormone Replacement right for you?
When you begin to experience any of the many debilitating signs & symptoms associated with male and female menopause (Table 2 above). When you have significantly noticed a decline in sex drive, a definite change in your expected energy level, when you are not on your game anymore and have also noticed a ‘spare tire’ around your waist you just can’t seem to lose despite proper diets and exercise.
The New York Institute of Hormone Replacement IS RIGHT FOR YOU!!!
The proof of safety and efficacy is overwhelming.  We simply use what mother nature provides.  Found in many varieties of plants, primarily wild yams and soy bean roots, our own natural hormones are safely compounded and individually customized at specialty FDA monitored compounding pharmacies in order to provide us with key “natural chemical mediators” of optimal health and wellness.  Besides significantly improving the symptoms of male and female menopause, replacing decreasing levels of these important compounds allows us to achieve unique and optimal health benefits.

New York Institute of Hormone Replacement
