Menopause & Female Health
Menopause – Defined as a cessation in the overall production of female hormones typically occurring during our mid-forties to fifties.
Symptoms include:
dry skin; hair loss; brittle nails; hot flashes; night sweats; mood changes; sleep disorders; decrease in energy; decreased motivation; unwanted weight gain; diminishing sex drive; concentration problems; reduced exercise tolerance; decrease in lean muscle mass; and more.
So now what?
We now understand that it is no longer necessary to passively accept that our appearance, function and health must deteriorate with the passage of time. For decades now, studies have repeatedly shown that correctly restoring our gradually declining hormone levels to their youthful ranges, dramatically improves health. Our naturally available compounds known as bio-identical hormones have proven to dramatically increase the ability to fight disease and most importantly, improve your quality of life.
Our Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) program involves the use of supplemental doses of naturally available hormones to make up for the decline of hormones produced in the body. Bio-identical hormones have the exact molecular/chemical structure as naturally occurring hormones produced in the human body. This identical structure makes them easy for our bodies to recognize and metabolize them and to produce the same physiologic benefits.